Generally today the first place someone turns to for information about your company is the internet, where they find all sorts of data, good and bad, warranted and unwarranted. The web provides a forum for every single person to voice their experiences and opinions. This is largely found in the medium of Social Media.
The Scope of Social Media
Company images and customer relationships can be built and maintained through the use of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others. By connecting with customers directly, organizations are more likely to have a positive impact on their online reputation.
According to Social Media Marketing Industry Reports, more than 88 percent of marketers are using social media data in their marketing plans. Those that aren’t, are missing out on more than 800 million users on Facebook, and on the one billion pieces of content exchanged weekly. What’s more, research shows that users who “like” a company’s brand are five times more likely to visit the corporate website.
If information is published that reflects poorly on your company, it can do an immeasurable amount of damage. Customer complaints travel at rapid speeds on the web. The reach and power of services such as Facebook or Yelp can turn private criticisms into public outcries. Therefore it is crucial that you consistently monitor the internet for negative comments in order to maintain your organization’s good reputation. However many find themselves overwhelmed by this task, with so many search engines and social media sites to review.
How CRM Can Help
Thankfully, success can be found in this area through the use of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application. The latest CRM technology is able to monitor social media for you, streaming all comments and feedback into your system; where you can view them in one place, match comments to your customers, and work to rectify any issues before they can do damage.
Customers want to know that their opinions and experiences are heard and appreciated. Interacting with customers directly through social media via your CRM application can improve your chances of gaining – and keeping – loyal customers.
Want to learn more on this topic? Join us for our complimentary CRM webinar series. Axis has teamed up with Leading Edge founder, Dan Kraus for our 29-minute Afternoon Break webinar series. Check back soon for more information and to register for the next webinar in the series.