Budget Macro
As the new year commences, many of our clients begin entering their budgets
figures into Sage Accpac ERP. Most users are unaware that there is a budget
macro available to assist with this cumbersome task.
This month’s tool includes a copy of the macro (which should already
be installed on your system but is included for your convenience) and
a step-by-step guide to use the macro to export information from your
accounting system, update the information in Excel, then import the data
back into the accounting system. You must be running the General Ledger
program in version 5.1 (or higher) for this macro to work.
Please feel free to contact our office if you have questions concerning
this article or if there is anything that we can do to assist you with
your daily or periodic processing. This is also a good time to review
the financial statement formats that you’ve been printing to see what
additional formats would be useful in analyzing business trends.
We can also help with financial statement design, and don’t forget to
ask about a free demo of the ACCPAC CFO tool to optimize your scenario
building and historical analysis (using your existing GL information).