Announcing the Release of Sage Pro Version 7.3B

Sage Software is pleased to announce the release of Sage Pro 7.3B. This release includes Pre-authorization support for our Credit Card modules along with several manufacturing feature enhancements.

Pre-authorization functionality in the Credit Card modules will allow clients to process their credit card transactions in a manner that will best fit their business. Do your clients need to know that their customers’ credit card transaction will be approved before they send large orders to the warehouse for processing? Pre-authorization will allow them to do that. Sage Pro Credit Card Processing now adapts to the way your clients want to operate their businesses.

The Manufacturing module enhancements will give clients better access to information and help streamline their manufacturing operations. Increasing client productivity is the basis for the following improvements:

– Additions to the Recommended Reorder Report to include Work Order Allocations.

– Better support for nested Bills of Materials to include modular and variable components in one BOM.

– Filtering capabilities on the IC journal to allow manufacturing transactions only.

– Manufacturer’s Name and part numbers now included in Item Master.

For more information, please e-mail us at

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